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Main Street Merchants Association along with some local community
groups, like
& Shakers, put on a fun family event in Downtown Sarasota in
October. Called Franken-Fest, the event included trick-or-treat for the
kids with participating Main Street merchants, a costume contest for the
kids, a showing of the classic Mel Brooks comedy "Young Frankenstein"
and live music.
All of the children taking part in the costume parade
received a free pumpkin courtesy of The Gator Club. Downtown Sarasota
restaurant Relish This Hot Dog Bistro served food and Paul Mattison of
Mattison's Main St. Bistro along with Ernie Ritz of The Gator Club supported
and organized the event. Proceeds from food sales
were to be donated to the All Faiths Food Bank. The event was to be a
benefit for the non-profit community group Movies & Shakers who
generously allowed the All Faiths Food Bank to receive the money raised
after their Keep on Truckin' fundraising event was rained out in
Below are some pictures from the event.